
7 Important Questions You Need to Ask Your Contractor

When you’re having work done in your home, it’s crucial to find the right contractor to do the job. And there’s a lot more to consider than just the price. You need to make sure they’re fit for the job and that there is no miscommunication between you. So, here are some critical questions you should definitely ask your contractor before you hire them.

Are You a Full-Service or Specialty Firm?

If you’re having work done in several areas of your home, a full-service contractor may be ideal since they can offer a wide array of services. On the other hand, if your project involves a specific area in your home, a firm specializing in that service may do a better job.

How Long Have You Been Doing This?

Experience is an important factor, especially for these types of jobs. So, aside from asking how long the company has been in business, it’s also essential to find out the level of experience the workers will have. 

For example, a company may just be relatively new, but that doesn’t mean the people behind the company are amateurs. They could have had an extensive work history in other companies and just recently decided to put up their own business. Or maybe the company has been around for a while, but the team working on your home may have some newbies that aren’t as skilled yet.

Are You Licensed and Insured?

Knowing that your contractor is licensed can really put you at ease, as you are assured that they have met the minimum requirements set by the government. But on top of having a license, it is also essential to be insured. So, it would be wise to ask for copies of your contractor’s insurance certificates and check that they are current and updated. 

Do You Offer a Warranty?

Warranties are crucial as, sometimes, things could go wrong. But it is important to know the extent of the warranty offered. In some cases, the warranty would state that support would end the moment the job is completed. To prevent falling into this situation, it’s best to ask for a written warranty that ensures help will still be given even after the project has ended.

Can I See Some of Your Previous Work?

To better understand the quality of work a contractor provides, it’s best to refer to their previous work. Ask them if they can show you some of the work they’ve done in the past. Most companies would have a portfolio of past work to help convince potential customers, while others would also include testimonials from former clients. And if the company is currently working on a different project, you can also ask to see it in person. Some companies even allow walkthroughs and open houses.

When Can You Start?

If you need urgent services, it’s best to ask when they can be available to work on your home. Sometimes, companies can be fully booked, and it could take months before they can start a contract with you. You also need to check if your schedules align. Perhaps when the company is available to start work, you are no longer free. If there’s a scheduling issue, it may be best to find a different contractor.

When Will You Finish?

Aside from knowing when the project will begin, it is also essential to know when you can expect the work to be completed. A good contractor should be able to give you a rough timeline and an expected finish date. This way, you can make the appropriate adjustments in your living situation if needed.

Final Thoughts

Price shouldn’t be the only deciding factor when choosing a contractor. You must ask the right questions and get to know the contractor to discern whether or not they are the right fit for you. And through asking these questions, you’ll also be able to tell how well they can communicate with you.

For handyman services in Montgomery County, you can count on Handyman of Rockville to deliver quality work. At Handyman of Rockville, we guarantee quick, hassle-free home improvement and time-saving service. Get a free quote now!

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